Publisher Finstral AG
Gastererweg 1
39054 Unterinn/Ritten (BZ)
T +39 0471 296611
F +39 0471 359086
Total paid-up capital: € 5,648,702.25
VAT no. / Commercial Register Bolzano No.: 00122260219, VAT ID no.: IT00122260219
Index of economic and administrative data no.: BZ-66346
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Finstral AG reserves the right to amend or add to the available content.
Please note that individual computer and monitor settings may prevent exact colour duplication. Hence, colour renderings on monitors and hard copies may differ from the original product. The depiction and description of products on websites is purely for indicative purpose. Possible deviations of a delivered product from its advertised representation do not represent any fault or divergence as only the order itself may be used as a reference.
Copyright2000-2025 Finstral AG
The Finstral logo is a registered figurative trademark of the Finstral AG company.
The term “Finstral” is a registered word trademark of the Finstral AG company.
All content on the Finstral website, including text, images and videos, is protected by copyright. All rights are reserved by Finstral AG. If content displayed on this website is subject to third-party copyright, this will be accordingly indicated. The content of this website may not be copied, modified, transmitted, reproduced, republished, displayed or otherwise used for commercial or private use without the prior written permission of Finstral AG.
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ContactFor further questions, suggestions or comments please use the following e-mail address:
webmaster@finstral.comMedia partnerZeppelin Group GmbH