Holiday home in Bardolino
FIN-Vista aluminium-aluminium

Holiday home in Bardolino

Smooth ease of access with FIN-Vista.

Nestling in the countryside on the southern shores of Lake Garda, this little holiday home lies not far from Bardolino. The aim was to match aesthetically appropriate glazing with the clear, simple architectural language and the reduced floor plan, allowing air and light into the house’s open living and dining areas.
The choice fell on Finstral’s FIN-Vista aluminium window wall system: its floor-to-ceiling design ensures maximum light incidence together with perfect ease of access from interior to exterior. The large sliding door, also floor-to-ceiling in extent, creates new and stimulating spatial situations while permitting access to the terrace and garden situated in front of the living area.
Type of building Single-family dwelling
Construction 2015
Project New build/conversion
Country Italy
Region Veneto
Locality Bardolino
Photographer Gustav Willeit
Studio details
Finstral Studio Verona
Via Giovanni Ongaro 5
37135 Verona
+39 045 583664
Products used
Uw - Heat transmittance coefficient of window elementRw - Sound insulation properties of a windownpd - No performance determined
Product data sheets and more information at
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