Private house in Baden-Württemberg
FIN-Vista aluminium-aluminium

Private house in Baden-Württemberg

Aluminium window wall in a private house

The overall image of this modern single-family house, located on a narrow hillside at the foot of the Swabian Alb, is characterised by its open, transparent façade. The wide window walls, slender aluminium windows and glazed fanlight all combine to create large glass surfaces that allow for excellent lighting that shows off the owners’ artworks in the open spaces. A shading system that uses blinds mounted in a housing under the plaster provides the necessary protection against the sun while leaving the façade undisturbed.
Type of building Single-family dwelling
Construction 2014
Project New build/conversion
Country Germany
Region Baden-Württemberg
Partner details
Winter Fenster & Haustüren
Karl-Stirner-Str. 66
73494 Rosenberg
Products used
Uw - Heat transmittance coefficient of window elementRw - Sound insulation properties of a windownpd - No performance determined
Product data sheets and more information at
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