OpenCloses at 17:00

Tischlerei Schranzhofer: Windows – Tirol

Finstral dealer-partner.

Tischlerei Schranzhofer has since 2000 been an official dealer partner of Finstral. This South Tyrolean family-owned company is one the most innovative manufacturers among the many suppliers of windows, entry doors and glass walls in Europe.

Träger des RAL-Gütezeichens Montage Fenster und Haustüren
Opening times
OpenCloses at 17:00
{{placeholderCompany}} and Finstral together offer the most complete range of windows in Europe.

Tischlerei Schranzhofer and Finstral together offer the most complete range of windows in Europe.

You don’t buy windows off the shelf – windows are planned individually. The frame form, the colour, material and functions should all aim to match the architecture and furnishing style of the house. As a manufacturer, Finstral offers the greatest variety and freedom of design in Europe: practically every item in its range can be combined with everything else.
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